Till is designed for parents or guardians to create an account the entire family can use. Once an account is set up, fill it up! After a deposit is made, you’ll receive a free debit card in the mail within 5-10 business days. As the account owner (or admin user*), enjoy the peace of mind of knowing you have complete visibility of your kid’s spending and saving. As for the kids, they’ll enjoy their newfound freedom and confidence over their finances. 😎
You’ll be able to manage their debit cards in so many ways. Weekly allowances and completed chores have never been easier to reward. How about that new gaming console they’ve been begging for? Set up saving goals with ease and have them gaming in no time. Till sparks amazing conversations with you and your kids over smarter finance moves. Even when they get older, Till is there for that first summer job paycheck. Direct deposits are a breeze to set up. We hope to see you and your family soon. Till next time!
*Some features are limited between account owners and admin users.
If you want more information on the difference between roles, you can visit our Help Center article, Family Roles.
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